What does this service include?
- Search for properties registered in the Property Registry of Puerto Rico, such as houses, apartments, buildings or farms.
- Delivery of copies of the folios or pages with the official registry data: number of the property, volume, folio and section of the Registry.
- Note: This service is a general search and is not equivalent to a "Title Search".
- Sources used:
- Municipal Revenue Collection Center (CRIM).
- Property Registry.
Search requirements
- Full name, with middle name and both surnames, of the principal owner.
- Complete physical address of the property or, at least, the town where it is located.
- Recommended: Social Security number of the principal owner. In the alternative, Property Registry data, if available.
Additional Services
- Registry Certification: Certifies that the property is in the name of one or more owners. You can add this option when ordering.
- Certified copy of the deed: only if you are the owner or heir.
- CRIM Certifications: only if you are an owner or heir.
- Inheritance transfer: We can evaluate your inheritance case.
Processing times
- Property search: 14 days.
- Registry Certification: 30 days.
- Certified copy: 30-45 days.
Questions or doubts?
- Request a free evaluation using the Contact Form and choose "Property Search" in the "Subject" field.
Mariel (verified owner) –